Why can't RouteFinder find a feasible solution?
It is very rare that RouteFinder will not find a solution. In fact, even in the case your orders are far more than the available capacity, RouteFinder provides you with a good plan, trying to leave out as few orders as possible with the given constraints.
However sometimes you can get the following message:

This can happen for the following reasons:
- Orders do not fit your vehicles: If the orders you want to assign to your vehicles require more capacity then available in each vehicle, then a valid solution does not exist. Check load demands and vehicle capacities to see if settings are correct. Sort your stops by Load to see if any are larger than your vehicle capacities. Check the Overview tab for a sum of all your loads and capacities to make sure your fleet can handle the loads.
- Time-windows are outside the working hours of your vehicles: your vehicles have a well-defined time profile; if the orders you want to schedule are outside the working hours of your vehicles, RouteFinder will not force drivers to work overtime. Make sure you set the right working hours in each vehicles settings.
These situations are very rare and only occur if not even a single order is compatible either with any vehicles time windows or capacities.