What is the optimization engine behind RouteFinder?

RouteFinder was built to solve a wide range of optimization problems known as Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP). It is an area of active research in academia and there are several software solutions available. Every software solution is done slightly differently due to the difficulty of solving VRPs to optimality. Solving a VRP to optimality for an end user requires looking at a very large number of solutions very quickly. Many solutions have been proposed to quickly limit the search space and most software solutions use a variety of these techniques leading to subtle differences in capabilities.

RouteFinder is based on a suite of heuristic techniques written in C++ which are capable of providing very good solutions very quickly while allowing RouteFinder to deal with complex constraints and requirements for the VRP. These constraints, like double time windows, flexible departure times, driver working hours, capacity, etc are based on a modular framework that allows RouteFinder to develop new ways to handle even more constraints with little to no effect on the end user experience. In fact, new constraints are actively being worked on to give users more options and handle a larger diversity of problem types.